Mischief & Mayhem
Okay, not so fun for you, but it might be a lot of fun for your dog. It’s certainly a way to get your attention, or to relieve their frustration, or to fulfill a need we’re not aware of.
But if you’re like me, it really stinks to always be saying, “No! Stop it! Enough!” I totally get it.
Training you and your dog simple solutions to what feels like complex, overwhelming behaviors is my specialty!
Do you have Mischief & Mayhem at home?

Mischief & Mayhem = Adolescent Dogs
Adolescents (6 -24 months in age) are particularly prone to Mischief & Mayhem. So many of my puppy clients wonder what happened to their cute little one! It’s not uncommon to see what I call “big behaviors” from our adolescent dogs – jumping, mouthing, barking, counter-surfing – you name it, they’re trying it.
No matter the age, much of Mischief & Mayhem can be resolved through reinforcing the behavior we do want or need. When we come from a place of always correcting behavior, it’s very confusing to the dog. Plus, if you are constantly correcting, the problem behavior is still happening! More importantly, correcting over and over again can damage the relationship.
Join me in truly understanding why your dog is doing what they are doing. See their behavior through the lens of a canine! Then, I’ll show you how to meet their needs while reinforcing alternatives to the jumping up on people, pulling on the leash, barking or whatever is making life a little extra crazy!
One more thing to note. Mischief & Mayhem when you’re not home can sometimes be the result of some very serious emotional challenges for dogs suffering from Isolation Distress or Separation Anxiety. We’ll determine if this is the case and develop a behavior modification plan best suited for your dog and family.